Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Poem for Strength

Please Give Me
The strength to cry
The strength to try
The strength to laugh
The strength to love
The strength to cope
The strength to hope
The strength one day
to fly into a brighter sky!
Y.C. Hou

Epiphany - to share love for our service people

I have always thought that our service people receive love and support from their loved ones while deployed. First they have to deal with separation, loneliness, probably no time to even sit on an emotion for too long. Then when they have a moment, and that is true, just a moment they are looking for love. I would like to learn how to give these men and women the love and support they desire while away from their loved ones.

In theory, one of my special concentrations in my psychology career is definitely treatment and recovery from PTSD, CSD, and Social Adjustment and re-immersion back into the society that the service person chooses to live in. This is what they need to know; first that they do have that choice and second, that there are people they don't even know, love and appreciate them for the love they carry to the rest of the world in the work they do. Even if it is not a glorious, satisfying position they are filling they could at least receive correspondence to help them feel that their efforts are not lost.

God bless America, well really the entire human race. The soldiers see so many nasty, unexplainable, probably unmentionable things - and at that time it is best not to talk about it. But there will come a time in their lives that they will need to find a safe person for them to drop all that burden with and not be judged but loved for them, just them who they are as a person. This will only start the questions of who am I if I am not a soldier? What do I do with myself? and I am pretty sure I have no clue as to what other questions run through these intelligent minds.

Join this blog and share as much or as little as you can or feel like you can. Help me understand what it is you truly need to get you through the job you are doing while being in the service. I just may have some networking connections that may help me help you help yourself.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Deserving / deversado

     I share openly so others may know that it is okay. I do suggest that you pick and choose a safe person, or audience, to share with. Remember anything that goes digital will always stay digital and float around in that monstrous mar of the Internet.

     Not too far in the recent past, I expanded my horizons - a girl friend and I chose to check out Skype. We love it! We don't always use the video because of her being at work or me carrying for private activities around the house and with the family members. Yes, even the pets need some privacy. But to get on with it, I have been completely blessed by the words that are coming across the lines. 

     Even on FB and twitter, there is just so much love in the air. I feel as if -well remember when you were a kid blowing bubbles then running around catching them without popping them - popping them meaningfully or just receive the cool water that lands on you when the sun rays were too beamy and it was just way too hot? Well, through whatever experience you may remember, well at least you have some to remember (or you are remembering) WORK THOSE BRAIN CELLS....anyway, the people that I communicate with have such large hearts.

     And if I run across a sour note once in awhile, and lately mine have been completely up and down, but these kind words from all that I allow myself to be surround with keep bringing me through. I am quite saddened by the fact that I am going to have to rearrange a relationship, or even eliminate it completely, because there are just some very strong and negative almost dementia paranoia coming through. And laughter at my amazement that its not just a thought or topic for discussion but a belief system that this person is finally now sharing with me.

     Well, I will take the suggestions that I give to you, if you get down and unbalanced; less prosperous and less motivated; and any other feeling of 'brushing against the grain' then it is definitely time to re prioritize. There was a time in my life that I never thought I had in choices and now I am so excited because we make our own choices.

     I like the support and emotional feelings; that extra skip in my jump; and the feeling of equality to all other wonderful, loving creatures of like mind, like heart, and now like action. Because faith, love, any emotional belief is dead without works. A friend learning English wants to know as many names that we use to call God, God. This was my opportunity to share some academic achievement as well as eternal experience.....God is LOVE.

    In summary, all this comes together in the nurturing of my career, spiritual involvements, and now I would like to say a personal life. Yes, we can love again. If you can comprehend this question you already know the answers. We are LOVE. We share LOVE. God is LOVE.


~~~~~and in love and peace I make this available to you in cliff notes of the heart. Take what you can use, pass it on, share all of it with others and it will all come back to you ten fold. I strongly believe that we all deserve to be LOVE, be loved, and to be in love.

Puedo compartir abiertamente para que otros puedan saber que está bien. Yo te sugeriría que elegir una persona de confianza, o de la audiencia, para compartir. Recuerde que cualquier cosa que se vuelve digital siempre se mantendrá digital y flotar en ese mar monstruoso de la Internet.

No muy lejos en el pasado reciente, amplié mis horizontes - Una amiga y yo escogimos echa un vistazo a Skype. We love it! No siempre usar el video por su bienestar en el trabajo o me llevaba a las actividades privadas en la casa y con los miembros de la familia. Sí, incluso los animales domésticos necesitan algo de privacidad. Pero para seguir adelante con ella, he sido bendecido por completo las palabras que vienen a través de las líneas.

Incluso en FB y Twitter, hay amor tantas cosas en el aire. Me siento como si, bueno recordar cuando eras un niño soplando burbujas luego corriendo por la captura de ellos sin hacerlas estallar - popping, claramente, o simplemente recibir el agua fresca que cae sobre ti cuando los rayos del sol eran demasiado radiantes y era simplemente demasiado caliente ? Pues bien, a través de cualquier experiencia que usted puede recordar, bueno, al menos tienes algo para recordar (o si está recordando) trabajar esas células cerebrales .... de todos modos, la gente que me comunico con tener corazones tan grandes.

Y si me encuentro con una nota amarga de vez en cuando, y últimamente los míos han sido completamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo, pero estas amables palabras de todo lo que me permito ser rodearse de seguir trayendo través de mí. Estoy muy triste por el hecho de que voy a tener que reorganizar una relación, o incluso eliminarlo por completo, porque hay algunas paranoia muy fuerte y negativo demencia casi llegando. Y la risa ante mi asombro, que no es sólo una idea o un tema de debate, sino un sistema de creencias que esta persona es finalmente ahora compartiendo conmigo.

Bueno, voy a tomar las sugerencias que le doy a usted, si usted consigue abajo y desequilibrado, menos próspero y menos motivados, y cualquier otro sentimiento de "cepillado a contrapelo", entonces definitivamente es hora de volver a priorizar. Hubo un tiempo en mi vida que nunca pensé que tenía en las elecciones y ahora estoy muy emocionada porque hacemos nuestras propias decisiones.

Me gusta el apoyo y sentimientos emocionales; ese extra saltar en mi salto, y el sentimiento de igualdad a todas las demás criaturas maravillosas y amorosas como de mente, como el corazón, y ahora como acción. Porque la fe, el amor, cualquier creencia emocional está muerta sin obras. Un amigo aprendizaje Inglés quiere saber tantos nombres que usamos para llamar a Dios, Dios. Esta era mi oportunidad de compartir algún logro académico, así como la experiencia eterna ..... Dios es AMOR.

En resumen, todo esto confluye en la crianza de mi carrera, implicaciones espirituales, y ahora me gustaría decir una vida personal. Sí, podemos amar de nuevo. Si puedes comprender esta pregunta ya conoce las respuestas. Somos AMOR. Compartimos AMOR. Dios es AMOR.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y en el amor y la paz que ponga a disposición de usted en las notas del acantilado del corazón. Tome lo que usted puede utilizar, transmitirlo, compartir todo con los demás, y todo volverá a usted diez veces. Creo firmemente que todos merecemos ser amor, ser amado, y de estar en amor.