Thursday, May 24, 2012

The summer rain

Not much of a winter this past season and we are well into Spring. Some hot, hot days and some cold, only chilly days. The inconsistancy in the normal weather has confused the passings of the seasonal allergies and other illnesses. Many people are fighting colds, allergies, congestion, etc. May is busy with many Birthdays and parties then comes the end of school and planning a summer/fall vacation. Wow, got overwhelmed trying to compare 4 different calendars. Someone will have to sacrifice.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great night out....

I discovered the LTP - Little Town Players last night (Friday, 5/18/2012). Hidden behind the Elks Lodge (nursing home and golf course) is a little theatre with a wonderful acting crew. Last night "The Nerd" with Equity Actor from NY - Jamie Watson. Hey, cuz - you did a wonderful job. We truly enjoyed it.

OM, Law and Order just mentioned Myrtle Beach, SC golf courses. Too, too close to so much talent. There is cultural activities for all of us to enjoy, if we will just open our eyes and heart to it.

Fun, Fun, Fun.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gratitude to all the women in my life.....

I am so grateful to God for the people put in my life here recently. Is it possible to fall in love with the same sex and just simply appreciate their personality, heart, and patience with my aggravated self? The women that have been in my life recently are so magnificent that it makes me appreciate what I never thought would ever happen is that their company, input of opinion, their ideas and voice along with having their company has been so supportive of my own weaknesses, along with the my strengths. Thank you so much all you ladies that have been in my life for the past 6 months (at least). Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I want to know....

How to post a photo to my blog. I have had a very nice lady ask me to find a home for this great puppy. Cute as all, big breed, pretty markings, mutt blend, loyalty is definitely only one of his good qualities, 8 weeks old (perfect for training), amicable, and needless to say, very snuggly. Call me 434-219-9034 with interests.