Wednesday, October 8, 2014



Am I/are we willing?  A question I’ve been asking myself lately and one I’d like us to explore together.  Whenever I come upon contemplation such as this, I begin by researching and defining the word/principle and then calling forth information on the subject from the knowingness inside me.  Willing, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s Colligate Dictionary is, 1. Inclined or favorably disposed in mind – ready, i.e., willing and eager to help, 2. Prompt to act or respond, i.e., lending a willing hand, 3. Done, borne, or accepted by choice or without reluctance, i.e., a willing sacrifice, 4. Of or relating to the will or power of choosing: volitional.  With this in mind, are we willing to...? 

1.      let God guide, guard, govern and direct our thoughts and thinking, actions and reactions;

2.       be healthy in body, mind, and spirit;

3.       live our best life;

4.       call forth what we desire in our life by asking the Creator who created creation and created us for what we want;

5.       accept that we are worthy just because;

6.       a) believe there is only one Everlasting Power and this everlasting power is good and everywhere present, b) as spiritual beings, living in a spiritual universe, governed by spiritual laws, we are created in the image and likeness of this Everlasting Power, c) as spiritual beings we have the power of creativity within us and our thinking activates the creative process, d) affirm our good and the truth we are learning and deny the human condition or physical appearance of things have any power over us to keep or block our good from us, e) apply the principles of prayer and meditation daily;

7.       give ourselves permission to be joyful and happy

8.       have a continuous cash flow and pay our bills on time, eat healthier, exercise, drink plenty of water, get sufficient sleep and rest;

9.        stop gossiping, complaining, criticizing and start honoring;

10.    see through the eyes of love;

11.    ask for help when we need it;

12.    De-clutter, clean-up, clear-out and let go of those things that no longer serve us – even if those   things are thoughts of lack and limitations, superiority or inferiority, we let them go;

13.    look for the good and keep a gratitude journal;

14.    love ourselves enough that we walk by faith and not by sight trusting that the universe is set-up   to support us;

15.    go forth and prosper;

16.    consider, life is for living, God/Source/Creative Intelligence is real and excuses for living a mediocre life is just that – excuses, and excuses don’t count;

17.    move beyond the tears, the aches, the pains, stand and affirm, declare and decree, in the words of Louise Hay… 


I am willing to change and grow.

I am willing to release the need for this condition.


Thank you for your willingness in doing the work.  Remember, it’s the practical application of the teachings of Jesus, the Christ that we are here to implement.  Let’s begin now, practicing the principals we’re learning. Thank You, Sweet Spirit.  Thank you.  Thank You.  Thank You.  Amen.



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